Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Call Of Duty

The chilly breeze
The biting freeze

The grilling heat
The golden sun’s beat

Each condition
Every blessed situation
Providing an occasion
For yet another lazy procrastination

One more moment of indecision
Another moment of hesitation
One more step of vacillation
Lacking in self-assertion
No iota of any form of affirmation
Heading towards no particular profession
Refusing to join the world’s procession
Unable to key into its fast evolving succession
Placed on a seemingly endless probation
In actual sense, an indefinite suspension
With little or no preparation
Not one measure of precaution
Left with no prescription
No sustaining and sustainable occupation
Not a single means of preservation

Such is he
Who cringes in the chilly breeze
Releasing his muscles to the biting freeze
He melts in the grilling heat
Dancing in his sleep to the sun’s beat

Oh no!
To his house I shall not go
His path I refuse to follow
Today I rise to sow
Viable seeds in each furrow
Seeds that indeed shall grow
Into the mighty trees of tomorrow

On the wake of the ‘morrow
Before the sun peeps in my window
I rise before the cock dares crow
Before the first chirp of the sparrow
With my hand I pick my bow
My right hand holds my razor-sharp arrow
The path of my prey I diligently follow
My gaze fixed and narrow
On my one target in the vast meadow
I carefully stoop low
Remaining calm and mellow
Aiming steady and slow

With one shot, I strike its marrow
Thrusting it thru’ like a powerful javelin throw
Creating a wound so hollow
It begins to writhe and wallow

I take it home safely in my barrow
Savoring every bite like ‘twas a marshmallow
My bow and arrow, now I can safely stow
The sky now glows with a ball so yellow

Then I know
I am now far from sorrow
No need, no reason to borrow
I am seated on the success row
My barns are filled, my cisterns overflow
My house stands firm; though the winds blow
Success! I happily bellow
Sitting back to observe the beauty of the rainbow

Just then I see from afar the lazy
Burning with such fury
But I take him back to those times so early
Reminding him drearily
Explaining slowly and steadily
The reason I am now regarded a prodigy
Whilst he lingered in bed wearily
I obeyed the call of duty


#ff: @i_amPapyrus

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