Friday, June 7, 2013

Truth 'n Youth

I am young

I am sweet
A pleasure to be with

A mind of amazing capacities

On the flipside…

I can be vile
Embittered as bile

I very well can do crime
Cleanse me now by brine

I am young
Endless streams of energy flood my veins

Many before me have come
Many more before me have gone

My youth pants to consume me
These energies; they seek to overwhelm me

My youth, the world can raze
By my energies; earth is set ablaze


I am weak
Thus, I reach to you

In my weakness ‘n slender; I surrender

#ff: @i_amPapyrus

Things We Do

The things we do
The words in frames we say
The whereabouts we are found at
The gifts, the presents we give and receive

The ones, the moments and more we come to cherish

The what's, why's, how's and where's

Questions that frame us
Competencies ne'er the same for us
Capabilities either neither; none cans't maim us

Our placidity
Our flaccidity
Our frailty

Our divinity; our pew
Our humanity; our hue

Our strength

#ff: @i_amPapyrus