Friday, March 22, 2013


I remember when I first heard of the book
Sad to say I never got to read it until late last year

"Hard to believe"; I can hear you echo from afar
Particularly for a "reader-fellow" like me
I read every other book on every shelf but this

"Things Fall Apart"
One of many other titles

The name always rang a million bells
One of Nigeria's finest...blazing 'em trails

Every candle burns with a flame
Every flame gets tossed of the wind

This candle did burn with a flame
The kind that spits grammar like Gamma

A linguist like no other
Novelist of covet like Rivera

Out of pitch-hue Africa rose an ICON
a LEGEND by every standard
a BEACON in every regard

Your soul rises to the great beyond
The universe sings you her sweetest verse

"CHINUA ACHEBE my beloved!
My sun, my son; thou didst do me proud";
Mother Africa mourns her favored son

You rocked Grammar Land
You brought honor to our land

Adieu Papa
Your works forever remain with us

#ff: @i_amPapyrus

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Let's Talk 'BASICS'

Novels are fun
Autobiographies are true

Family is golden
Friends are a blessing

Success is sweet
Challenge is healthy

Thru' it all
Thru' my everyday

This I know of 'ME'

Music keeps me going
Poetry keeps me breathing

#ff: @i_amPapyrus

A Word With You Please...

I’ve heard talks about leadership
I’ve heard talks on followership

I have read about leadership
Just as I’ve read about followership

I’ve read about fatherhood
I’ve seen and been thru’ childhood

I have ideologies about fatherhood
I have experienced first-hand…childhood

What am I driving at?
Where am I headed precisely?

My ‘writership’
Your ‘readership’

My ‘writerhood’
Your ‘readerhood’

It’s not about me
It's not about poetry
It’s about us

Without us
There’d be no papyrus

#ff: @i_amPapyrus


There's something I love to do
There's something I was created to do
There's something I most leisurely do
There's something I can't help but do

The name you call it, same I call it
We call it...they call it POETRY


#ff: @i_amPapyrus

Biko! Sip Small Courage

Worry this
Worry that

Worry here
Worry there

Mountain to Pillar
Pillar to Post

Biko! Sip small courage
Na only shikinni remain

Only a lil’ while longer
…and it’d all be over!

All for the greater good
BABA has bounties in-store
Of that I’m viva-sure!


#ff: @i_amPapyrus

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Trying to make this work
Quit the act, be less a jerk

Swung off into thick jungle

Figs, twigs and digs of bizarre
Precisely what we are

The earlier the better

So permit me with pleasure to bar
Car afar, lest a drift too far



#ff: @i_amPapyrus

Monday, March 11, 2013

Gongo Aso!

Young lad hustler
Boy street struggler
Nothing but vernacular

Yung lad hussula
Boi strit struggula
Na so so vanakula

Olowo dey pass
Olowo dey fashi
Faaji ati kilishi

One day after today
Young lad go hammer
Better cloth for glimmer
Grammy go dey shimmer

Yung lad hussula
Gongo a so...
Gongo ma so!

RevV Thine Engines

So far, so good
Thus far have we come
Hungry for more tho' we got some

What holds beats 'em scolds
These molds; beets 'n folds

Thus far have we come
Thus far are we charged

God save the morrow
We ain't gonna laze
Mos def, we gonna blaze

You ain't seen nothing yet
(in Pa’s distinct vocals)

ANN [Artificial Neural Networks]

I've got a brain
Very much sane
You've got the same
So has Jane

Amazing capacities
Mind blowing abilities
Endless functions

Simulate that, shall we?

Mister Davies

Make hay, make pay
Make clay, sake say

Educate, then emanate
Emanate from distillate
Distillate for segregate

Blah, blah, blah…

i.e. “Inothernews”

The yummy boil is savory spoil
Serve-in calorie foil
Serving Mister Davies
(..and his buddy Lewis)

#ff: @i_amPapyrus