I Am S.M.A.R.T.
I am a
R-esilient; and
I am
Zeal doth burn in me, indeed acidic
Temperance, yet doth strike a balance with elements basic
In my stomach, glands do secrete the juice of the gastric
To yet appease this increasingly biting colic
The cure for which was not found in nothing garlic
My imagination runs wild, in a manner so artistic
Lines and strokes running in a race quite frantic
AS they try to connect, the energy feels indeed hectic
You could feel the pulse racing, almost hysteric
But there's prune and restraint; in a manner far from manic
Yet with the pause and caution of a detailed critic
Like two halves in a battle for the winning gimmick
What an amusement, watching such captivating frolic
What bout of speechless excitement, stumbling on rare relic
What words and exclamations breaking the bounds of the sonic
Feels like fire powered by an inexhaustible wick
Spreading in a manner so wild and sporadic
Overpowering even the strongest forces of the hydraulic
I am a
Some call me a pro
Others prefer to call me a highly skilled bro
My works travel north to south like a crow
Fast as a jet, compact as a barrow
Their essence and message yet sharp as an arrow
Hitting their target, that most central hollow
Sentencing all agents of antagonism to the gallows
I am
Some may choose to describe me as machinate
Others would rather simply describe me as perfection incarnate
This flattery tempts me (in stagnancy) to hibernate
My energy and passion seem to fluctuate
As like an enormous balloon, I am tempted to inflate
I have to bring myself to focus and concentrate
Afresh; my mind with my goal-in-view, I do intimate
A derailment, I cannot allow you to create
Every distraction, I duly cremate
As I am charting a course I cannot afford you a chance to truncate
Opened windows, the stuffy room to aerate
My dear dreams to yet resuscitate
Dreams too precious, I shan't afford you a chance to dissipate
In such wasteful manner; like an unappreciative ingrate
Now isn't the time for a sun tanner
Now is the time to ready myself to fly the banner
I am
On achieving my goals; I am dutifully bent
A cause for which I shall spend and be spent
All to ensure myself an ever progressive ascent
As I just cannot afford a step's descent
Please don't mind my egoistic accent
Neither yield to the temptation to resent
The easily mistakenable tone of my voice at present
Taking cognizance of its rather rare nature, persuasively insistent
Rather see in my one quite ardent
Permit your olfactory lobe to enjoy the aromatic scent
Emanating from my boiling hot perfume; rather effervescent
A fragrance; fragrantly fervent
You couldn't be more content
I am quite persistent
My persistence not an occasional event
In my resilience, I remain yet decent
My decency availing me a rather perfect gent
The hands of Ma and Pa for so long have I been lent
Every errand on which I was sent
To which I both willingly and reluctantly went
Shapening me, thru the reform and remold of each and every area of dent
Harshness was what I thought it to be; feeling the pinch of the trident
Bending me into the perfect crescent
The shape and form for which I was meant (to take)
The goodness of properly tuned manners finding a comfortable vent
Now I happily dwell in my success-tent
Basking resplendent in manner and discipline; so affluent
I am
Yes I am talented
Or perhaps you prefer to call me gifted
Whichever, 'tis just English language being manipulated
The same intended illustration; only differently coated
The meanings I believe remains the same when translated
To the central language of humanity from which they both originated
I have talent
Have I any talent?
What is talent?
Is it some distinct gift of unknown advent?
At your renewable use on an unplayable or free rent
Or as some would describe it, a "natural endowment"?
Better still; some an unexplainable empowerment
For a performance higher than meager enablement
Rated by others as distinct and (or) excellent
Someone please call 911!
I seem to be stuck
Here I stand, caught up in this rare wind
Trying to give a defining explanation
To the form and nature of what they call, we call, I call TALENT
Which I very much believe is very much inside of me resident
Oh my!
I seem to have somehow stolen or impersonated
The identity of my very own self haply duplicated
Yet inside of me (in diverse manner) replicated
Certainly not manipulated
Only seemingly tailored after the pattern from which the real me originated
Or perhaps like multiple (several) mirrors, varyingly plated
Now seemingly manifest, though each and every had unknowingly previously emanated
Only now to my conscious consciousness each being correlated
That I waken as each and every battle to be most pontificated
Battling each other, yet at the expense of none; neither injured nor lacerated
Multiple individualities yet collectively coordinated
One beating pump, powering the blood thru my veins circulated
I am a
R-esilient, and
I am S.M.A.R.T.
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