Monday, June 20, 2011


Each and every single habit
Ever nibbling away like a bunny-rabbit
The most occuring expenditure in your time-audit
Its positivity making you a success favourite
Negativity, otherwise an accursed bandit

They say practice makes perfect
'Till you emerge master and prefect
Laying hold of all control, strong and direct
Over that particular image before the sect
Such an image for which you fight to protect
Without excluding any part or subsect
Every minute detail you skillfully dissect
Ensuring you're quite definitely most correct

Something(s) that caught your eye; such bright hue
Once and it you were hooked to
It became that one thing you always do
Matter of fact is it has taken hold of you
There's no denying, 'tis only but true
Right into your system has it burrowed through

You seem to be weary of these rhymes
You've read through all the lines
You seem like one lost in a field of mines

You seek a definition
An answer to specifically address the point of your question
Nonetheless you read on; at the hind of your mind an eager expectation
Sooner or later, pahaps I just might tender the proposition
My views constituting its composition
Composed of my self-arrived assumption
Or pahaps you'd rather refer to it as a postulation
Percieved of or viewed by you as one of accurate appropriation
Finally you have your much craved satisfaction

I think I got us two in this corner so tight
These ryhming lines are starting to blur both mine and your sight
I need an escape route or not so good will be my better not imagined plight

" Habit my friend, is practice long pursued; act or activity repeatedly repeated, that at last becomes part and parcel of your very self "

....definition according to my deeply-thoughtfully thought-through; yet limited understanding
....I hope I haven't conjured words that extend beyond your limit of comprehending
....You asked of me a question to which I gave my possibly best shot at answering



#ff: @i_amPapyrus

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