Tuesday, January 15, 2013


What canst I do?
Whence canst I go?
All I need do is ‘pen-to-paper’

Who said ‘money makes the world go round’?
They must’ve derailed a great deal

Music keeps me going
Poetry keeps me breathing

Forgive my uni-direction
Yield to my bias

Life is beautiful
…‘nd ‘tis all about POETRY

#ff: @i_amPapyrus


A lil’ here, a lil’ there
So my mind drifts here and there
Swiftly swayed by the winds
You just might wanna tweet; “#random”

My world ‘n yours
Multiple differences in intercourse

My battle; self-preservation
My hustle; self-construction
Your struggle; self-imposition

On the morrow; I win
…’nd this no longer will read; “random”

Monday, January 14, 2013


First things first
At the wake of dawn

In the wee of day
I get in my knees and pray